My most current project is working as a Visiting Researcher at the International Center of Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) where I filmed a documentary on the preliminary impacts of climate change on vulnerable communities and the adaptation practices and methods of the resilient, innovative, and resourceful people of Bangladesh, who deal with climate change adaption daily. My team and I raised six thousand dollars in hopes to spread awareness of the social injustices of climate change, traveling into extremely rural areas of Southern Bangladesh to show how those most severely impacted upon are often those who have contributed the least to the problem. We spent 30 days in the field with a translator visiting the most rural parts of Bangladesh to witness mass erosion and severe flooding. We also spent time in Bangladesh's capital Dhaka, where we visited the slums that are inhabited by migrants who have traveled from the south of Bangladesh because they have lost their homes to erosion or flooding. We interviewed experts, affected Bangladeshis and regarded political leaders like, Dr. Saleemul Huq, the Director of ICCCAD and a Senior Fellow at the International Institute for Environment & Development (IIED), and Sarder Shafiqul Alam, a climate change expert and senior researcher. As well as attending an international renewable energy discussion where experts and political leaders from all around Asia and Europe shared adaption ideas and methods. Through this documentary, I hope to build solidarity between the Global North and the Global South not only on the issue of climate change but in realizing we are all citizens of the earth.